

    Accountability Quotes

    Here are some great Accountability quotes: My greatest thought is my accountability to God. — Daniel Webster No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. Death of...

    Ability Quotes

    Quotes Points to consider: Even though we may have natural gifts (speaking, teaching, answering in the meetings), do we still hone these skills through personal...

    Abortion Quotes

    American Medical Association If our language has appeared to some strong and severe, or even intemperate, let the gentlemen pause for a moment and reflect...

    Attitude Quotes

    I AM YOUR MASTER. I can make you rise or fall. I can make you a success or failure. I can work for or against you. I control...

    Adversity Quotes

    Definition: “A state of hardship or affliction; misfortune. A calamitous event.” Adversity does not necessarily build character, but it reveals it. If you...